Tag : palm

Tips to Help You with Holiday Spending

lady pointing at the palm trees

Are you planning a vacation? Many people prepare for holiday well in advance, save funds, look for a beautiful holiday destination only to get into debts. Some of these debts are usually as a result of lacking financial discipline by engaging in impulse spending.

If you want to enjoy your holiday, you need to control your spending by coming up with a budget. This article highlights various tips that will help you manage your spending when you are on holiday.

Set Limits

Even before you board a plane or a train to your favorite holiday destination, you need to set a limit as far as the holiday spending is concerned. After carefully evaluating your financial position, you should be able to state how much money you are willing to let out of your bank account or credit card.

With this in mid create a budget and ensure that everything that you need to do while on vacation is covered. If the total amount is higher than what you had purposed, look the luxuries and cut on them.

Present List

camera, juice, hatDepending on the people that surround you, you may be required to bring some gifts to your family and friends. If some friends realize that you are going to Africa, for example, they may have a list of gifts that they may ask you to bring them.

Always make sure that you create your list. You should also purchase gifts that you can afford. If a friend or a family insists on a particular item, he should be able to give you the cash for that item.

Budgeting and Personal Finance

One of the common mistakes that people make when planning a holiday is that the budget on other people’s finances. For example, a spouse may budget on his husband’s finance without telling him not knowing that the hubby has other plans.

Always budget on the cash that you have and not what you are expecting to get once you get to your holiday destination. This is one of the ways that you will cushion yourself from disappointments.


lady having fun

Going for a holiday at the right time will also help you save considerably less. In the hospitality industry, we have the peak and the off-peak sessions.

During the peak session, the hotel prices and other critical services are usually high. This is, however, not the case with the off-peak season. The best time to go for a holiday is the off-peak season when the industry players are in dire need of the clients.